Splicer Blog

Accelerating Native Mobility


Hello, my name is Aaron Evans and I am the Founder of Splicer, specializing in integrating mobile apps to servers. Our mission is to supplant web servers inadequately servicing mobile apps. Today, we are in closed beta, and have secured an Angel round of funding.

Career Highlights

I started my career marketing Flash memory for Intel, became a Field Sales Engineer in Santa Clara, and was featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine at the age of 25.

After Intel, I took a break from technology to teach English in Taiwan. I then moved to San Francisco, and created an interactive CD-ROM guide to that city. To do this, I picked up a few books, learned Borland C++, and then MFC for Windows 3.1. With the arrival of the Internet, I helped Pacific Bell build its fledgling ISP business using an alpha version of the first java-based application server named Kiva. With the crash of the dot-com, I developed a handheld scanner application in C++ running on Palm OS for a Diageo-backed startup named Three Deep. Just prior to the global financial crisis, I worked for a company that was gutting Fannie Mae’s loan processing system. Importantly, the Fannie project revealed the incredible power of typed data.

I have worked on numerous startups, and Splicer is the product of my 25-year coding career in San Francisco. It is a system based upon years developing both client and server software. Please feel free to contact me at info@splicer.io.