Graphically Compose spring boot microservices from data models

Graphically compose Spring Boot microservices using the open source model editor called CAM. CAM allows us to define data subsets for clients, and also aggregate data from multiple sources.
It is simple to create spring boot microservices via the Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) editor. Simply select components of your server’s data model for a given microservice API, and then generate relevant client-server model artifacts via Splicer – including Spring Boot and Spring Data annotations. This is an easy and efficient way to correlate your client data to your relational database. Once this client model has been declared, both fetching and synchronization of complex client data objects are trivial – including nested complex types (object composition).

The benefits to doing this are many. Splicer allows you to generate client models from database schemas to conveniently integrate relational data into mobile apps for example. In this way you can leverage your relational data structures to your advantage. In essence, it allows you to instantly propagate enterprise data structures to the “edge”. This mechanism keeps your models in sync with your microservice API as well – providing the ultimate agile flexibility for structured data; it provides data agility typically associated with NoSQL, while static data type-checking keeps your client data pipeline working smoothly as it evolves.

Centralized Control

The CAM UI also illuminates your models to functional designers for deeper functional definition – reducing team coordination and meetings. Then a single model architect can publish the appropriate model build artifacts to the development team. This is the first step toward data model normalization, which then unlocks critical data automation efficiencies at scale.

Other benefits:
•   Change the Model with greater confidence as Model integrity enforced by compilers
•   Simplify coding as client developers access data via typesafe entity classes
•   Host your own "low code" development platform right on Spring Boot stacks
•   Extend data structures to the top of the client-server stack, which eliminates swaths of code and need to collate from multiple APIs
•   Streamline complex client-server integration and payload minimization
•   Support sets of clients via flexible data subset control
•   Code is vastly easier to maintain (maintenance is typically 90% of overall cost)
•   Provides development efficiency of low code/hybrid, but with Full Stack source control

Mobility - RMAD on Spring Boot

Regarding mobility, Splicer also generates typesafe entity classes and forms which are in turn backed by your microservice APIs. And with Splicer, we automate only what is absolutely necessary -- allowing you to code natively as you're already accustomed. A Splicer-enhanced system is even more useful when integrating sets of mobile apps to your backend -- providing the link between the client data entities and your server database. This solves the complex many-to-many model mapping issues that can compound technical debt.