I’ve been talking to lots of people in the developer market lately. There is just not enough native mobile architects and developers to go around. The kind of tools we need to fix this are not simply better UI design tools, etc. To solve the developer shortage, we need a quantum leap forward in the tools themselves. The quantum leap I’m talking about are tools that automate to replace coding that we used to do by hand. Think of it as a type of robot that replaces developers. That is what Splicer does.

Allow me to quote my colleague John Morris from an email he sent me recently:

“The clear technical achievement of Splicer ELEVATES Splicer ABOVE all these technologies to the next semantic layer in the stack! - this is what Splicer does: eliminates the hand-coding of data integration.

Three comments:

i) business semantics are first-class citizens of Splicer.

ii) this is the core of what Splicer means

iii) this means Splicer’s key audience is the rising cadre of business analysts and product managers that are tired of IT!!!

iv) Business semantics in Spicer exists in two phases - the “define” phase and the “usage”phase.

end quote – thanks John. Well put.

If you have any questions about this, please post a comment and we’ll try to explain it better. Or drop us an email. There is also lots of material on the subject in other blog postings and on our website at http://splicer.io.